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7 nourishing benefits of a bath

By Frederique Marquez

7 nourishing benefits of a bath

 Why science thinks you should run yourself a bubble bath:

  •  Baths are proven to ease stress, release tense muscles, and provide relief from headaches.
  • Baths support lymphatic drainage and our skin's natural purification
  • Bathing lowers inflammation and lessens physical exhaustion. 
  • A bath can rejuvenate circulation and strengthen our immune system. 
  • Baths can improve our sleep routines by helping us fall asleep faster and into deeper states of sleep.
  • A bath can help us rise out of heavy, low winter moods.  
  • And finally, baths can help boost our brain function and provide mental clarity after a mentally taxing day.

Close your eyes, breathe into mindfulness, and slip into a pool of warm and inviting tranquility with our Tidal Soak Bubble Bath 


1 comment

  • Growing up, we always talked about the perfect bath. Bubbles were a necessary part of the equation. Happy bathing!


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